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Cross-linking Staining of Fibroin by Genipin in Solution

Ichthyologic Fauna of Niulan River 中国金沙江一级支流牛栏江的鱼类区系分析
Comparison of Salt-tolerance and Drought-tolerance of Two Desert Plants(Karelinia caspica and Suaeda turkestanica litw.) in Tarim 塔里木盆地荒漠植物花花柴和碱蓬耐盐、耐旱性比较
Influence of Light and Temperature on Spore Germination of Neocheiropteris palmatopedata (Baker) Christ 光照和温度对扇蕨孢子萌发的影响
Nests and Nest-site Selection of White-crowned Penduline Tit Remiz coronatus in the Northern Xinjiang 新疆北部白冠攀雀的巢与巢址选择
Microsatellite Marker Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Main Rice Varieties in Zhejiang Province,China 利用微卫星标记分析浙江省近年来主要水稻品种的遗传多样性
Cross-linking Staining of Fibroin by Genipin in Solution 京尼平对丝素蛋白交联的染色作用
The Shape Indices and Scale Fractal Analysis of Shrub Landscape in the Loess Plateau 黄土高原灌丛景观斑块形状的指数和分形分析
Optimization of culture conditions for recombinant dextransucrase expression 重组大肠杆菌右旋糖酐蔗糖酶的表达条件优化
Transformation of Populus euphratica 胡杨转基因体系的建立
Teaching Reformation and Practice on Comprehensive Specialty Experiment in Bioengineering 生物工程综合性专业实验的教学改革与实践
Dynamics in leaf stomatal conductance of Spartina alterniflora in mangrove habitats. 红树林生境中互花米草气孔导度的动态变化

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