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Analyze the peak hourly capacity vs. peak hourly demand for burger patties. Can they produce enough burgers?

Analyze the experience of Sun. Should she have reported the truth to her company's general manager? 分析孙女士的经历。她应该向总经理报告真实情况吗?
Analyze the feasibility of shallow seismic reflection wave method applied in exploration of high-dip coal mining-out area, and appraise the effect of the application in couple with specific engineering cases. 摘要对在高倾角煤层采空区勘探中应用浅层地震反射波法的可行性进行了分析,并结合具体工程实例对应用效果进行了评价。
Analyze the first response at the thing of running into , you of people , to choose A , usually speak and reveal one's feelings, determine the next step observe everybody's response first and then, so others think you half make slowly always, it is in fac 你遇到事情时的第一个反应,通常是不动声色的,先观察大家的反应再决定下一步,所以别人老觉得你慢半拍,其实是大家低估了你,基本上你是精明老练的,做任何事情务求精准,并且从容以对,粗枝大叶的行为,是不可能在你身上看到的。
Analyze the invalidation cause of returned parts. 分析退回物料的失效原因。
Analyze the origin and harm of the microorganism in circulating cooling water system, Proposed the methods of continuously adding the oxidized disinfectant sodium hypochlorite and the biology dispersing agent, And regularly adding the highly effective bro 摘要对炼油循环水中微生物的来源及危害进行了分析,提出了连续投加氧化性杀菌剂次氯酸钠与生物分散剂,定期投加广谱高效的非氧化性杀菌剂的方案,并总结了炼油厂介质泄漏判断及检测办法。
Analyze the peak hourly capacity vs. peak hourly demand for burger patties. Can they produce enough burgers? 对汉堡肉饼的高峰时段产能和高峰时段供给做出分析。他们能生产出足够的汉堡吗?
Analyze the problems in the studies of acupuncture treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases at present, look for the possible causes of having no unified recognition, discuss on major tasks in studies of acupuncture and moxibustion and how to furthe 分析当前针刺治疗缺血性脑血管病研究中存在的问题,寻找没有统一认识的可能原因,并对针刺研究中的重大课题以及如何进一步提高针灸疗效作了论述,同时提出了一些今后的研究设想。
Analyze the project , outline the information you need, track down someone with answers, and enjoy the positive energy of accomplishment. 享受完成这件指派的成就感所带来的正面能量。
Analyze the security of the new MIT Card. 分析一下新MIT卡的安全性。
Analyze the sentence into its constituent parts. 把这条句子的各个成份加以分析。
Analyze the strength of the structure. 对产品进行结构强度分析.

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