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He thought he could beat anyone at tennis, but he's met his match in her.

He thought I would think nothing of it. 他想我会毫不在意。
He thought Wade would guard Bryant, a fib Riley told so Wright wouldn't be nervous coming to work on Monday. 他本来认为韦德会与科比做一对一的防守,但狡猾的莱利还是安排赖特来执行这一任务。
He thought dreams were the best way to see into the deepest part of their mind -- the unconscious. 他认为,研究梦是了解病人最深层思想,即潜意识的最佳途径。
He thought for a moment and then spoke. 他想了片刻, 然後说.
He thought government must intervene in the economy to guarantee fairness in society. 他认为政府必须干预经济以保证社会公平。
He thought he could beat anyone at tennis, but he's met his match in her. 他以为他打网球所向无敌,但遇到她却是旗鼓相当。
He thought he felt her hot mossy breath on his eye. He blinked, she was gone. The beating of winds. Obsession! 他仿佛感觉到了她温润的呼吸,近在咫尺,一眨眼,她就不见了,只有风在叹息.他被迷住了!
He thought he heard someone following him, and glancing round. He caught sight of a dark figure in the shadows. 他觉得有人在跟踪他,便向周围扫了一眼,发现阴暗处有一个黑影。
He thought he was going off the rails when he saw a strange animal sitting in the middle of the road. 当他看到路中间坐着一只怪兽时,他还以为自己的脑袋出毛病了。
He thought his book would change society, but he didn't bring it off. 他原以为他的书能改变社会,但愿望没能实现。
He thought in the condition of the enemy was mightiness and we were infirmness, We must constitute an available policy in order to stay in the international world. 他认为在敌强我弱的情况下,要想在国际大家庭中争得一席平等地位,就得制定一种有效的方略。

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