Sorry,this error is due to my neglect. I will read the handbook more carefully.
抱歉,因为我的疏忽造成错误,我将会仔细、认真阅读手册. |
Sorry,we don't refund discounted goods.
对不起,打折商品我们不退款。 |
Sorry. But, but... I wanted to play barber.
对不起,可是,我真的想当理发师。 |
Sorry. I have no glue.
对不起。我没有胶水。 |
Sorry. I have to get on the line with the web host and straighten this all out.
对不起.我一定要在网上与主持人和纠正这种全力以赴. |
Sorry. I sent wrong message to you. Let's forgive and forget it.
对不起,我发错了信息。别介意。 |
Sorry. The content you just visited is just in constructing now.
对不起!您访问的内容正在建设中。 |
Sorry. The content you just visited is not found on this server.
对不起!您访问的内容在本服务器上不存在。 |
Sorry. We usually pair the u er and lower together to sell.
对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。 |
Sorry. We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell.
对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。 |
Sorry...but I can't help it.
对不起……不过我实在无能为力。 |