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Could you tell me how long is the flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu?

Correct ideas are not innate in the mind, but come from social practice. "正确的思想不是头脑中固有的,而是来源于社会实践。"
Cotton swabs dipped in iodine can be used to wipe someone's back. So I thought, why can't I use it on paper? I've been painting like this for 20 years. 创世基金会董事长曹庆说,棉花棒沾碘酒可在人的背上擦来擦去,所以我想何不在纸上使用棉花棒,这一画就画了20多年了。
Could we ever get permission? “我们会被允许吗?”
Could you take one more shot for me from this angle? 你能不能从这个角度再帮我照一张啊?
Could you talk about your impressive covert role in Infernal Affairs? “你能谈一下你对这个角色在阴险情节中印象吗?”
Could you tell me how long is the flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu? 接通繁忙的夏威夷航空公司接线员,金发女郎说:“你能告诉我从洛杉矶到火奴鲁鲁要用多长时间么?”
Could you tell me,said the girl, if my bridegroom lives here? 姑娘开口问道:对不起!老奶奶,您能告诉我,我的未婚夫是住在这里吗?
Count the Levites by their families and clans. Count every male a month old or more. 15你要照利未人的宗族,家室数点他们。凡一个月以外的男子都要数点。
Count the Merarites by their clans and families. 29至于米拉利的子孙,你要照着家室,宗族把他们数点。
Couples who demonstrated consistently higher levels of hostile behaviours ... healed at 60 percent of the rate of low-hostile couples,said the report published in the December issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry. 在《普通精神病学档案》12月刊上发表的这份研究报告说,经常争执的夫妇的水泡愈合率只有很少吵架的夫妇的60%。
Cow on the track!replies the conductor. “铁轨上有头奶牛!”列车长回答。

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