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Merle colours (blue as well as the rare red), chocolate white, sable white, red white, blue white and in all colours the mottled effect (a freckled pattern) can also be found.

Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude form grid that can be used to locate the position of any point on the Earth's surface. 参考译文:阿拉斯加是美国最大的州,面积是德克萨斯的两倍多。
Merinade the sliced pork meat. Fried it in the hot pan with butter till it cooked. And then add in the cooked tagliatelle. 猪肉丝加入调味料拌匀.放入热油锅中炒熟.然后加入煮熟的意大利面条.
Merit Systems Protection Board:1120 Vermont Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20419; tel.(202) 653-8898; fax (202) 653-7130; f. 1883; Chair.-Ben L. Erdreich. 考绩制度保护委员会:1883年成立。主席-本·埃德赖希。
Merit: Compared to moves the keel to save the installment space, suits installs on the entry along the base, below the gate height 8 meters may install, the service is convenient. 优点:比移动龙骨节省安装空间,适合安装在门洞上沿底部,门高8米以下均可安装,维修方便。
Merk: I don't see your sub. 默克:“我没看见你们要换谁啊。”
Merle colours (blue as well as the rare red), chocolate white, sable white, red white, blue white and in all colours the mottled effect (a freckled pattern) can also be found. 山鸟(云石)色(蓝色以及稀有的红色)、巧克力和白色、黑(紫)貂色和白色、红白、蓝白和各种混色(呈斑点图纹)也可以找到。
Merleau-Ponty Shit is a bowel movement of the lived and existential body. 梅洛庞帝:大便是我们活生生的存有身体的肠部活动。
Merlene Ottey says she was asked to feign injury. 他们因为在球场上假装受伤拖延时间而受到广泛批评。
Merlin, who is that knight? (莫林,那个骑士是谁?)
Merlin: My men are strong, but they need a true leader. 莫林:我们的队伍强大,但需要真正的领袖。
Mermaids do not drink any brand of bottled water. 美人鱼从不饮用任何品牌的瓶装水。

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