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Conversion of B red blood cell into O red blood cell is one of the research interest.

Conversely, work in applied science and technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. 相反,应用科学技术的成果在纯科学的发展中经常起到直接的促进作用。
Conversely, you'll likely get bored climbing a 5.6. 反之,爬个5.6又会让你觉得无聊。
Conversing about things you have in common can keep a conversation going all night. 谈论共同点能让你们整晚聊个不停。
Conversing about things you have in common can keep a conversation going all right. 谈及这些相同的事情,可以令到你们的交谈健康、顺利地进行。
Conversion and printing for Cummins drawings and customer's drawing. 康明斯图纸、客户图纸的转换和打印。
Conversion of B red blood cell into O red blood cell is one of the research interest. 了解糖蛋白及糖脂肪的分子在细胞膜上的功能。
Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels. 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
Conversion of data into an unreadable format for transmission over an entrusted network. Form of coding data so it can't be read. 转换数据为不可读的形式以在网络上传送。对数据进行编码以使其不可读。
Conversion of sales leads into customers (First Time Buyers) and up-selling and cross-selling within existing customer accounts. 把销售线索转化为客户(首次发件帐号),并对现有帐号/客户进行向上销售和交叉销售。
Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly. 你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱。
Conversion to gas central heating will save you a lot of money. 改用煤气集中供暖将节省大笔开支。

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