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More cotton-padded tents are in need in Zhangye city,Gansu province , which was hit by twin tremors Saturday night.

More computing power can significantly improve results. 更多的计算资源可以得到更好的结果。
More concretely, I wanted to force that awareness on some present-day, recognizable characters. 更具体地说,我想要将这种体认强加在某些生活在现世,众人一望即知的人物上。
More concretely, you will implement and analyze a method for clustering words based on their distributional properties. 具体来说,你要实现和分析一个基于单词分布性质的单词聚类方法。
More consistent damage, plus the dreaded Combusted Blast Wave. 更多的连续伤害,加上骇人的冲击波。
More controversially, governments may need to redistribute the benefits of globalisation more fairly through the tax and benefits system. 更有争议的是,政府可能需要通过税收和社会福利体系将全球化的好处重新进行更为公平的分配。
More cotton-padded tents are in need in Zhangye city,Gansu province , which was hit by twin tremors Saturday night. 甘肃省张掖市在遭遇星期六夜晚两次地震后,棉被变得急需起来。
More countries can now make nuclear bombs than advanced microprocessor chips. 现在能够制造核弹的国家比能够制造先进的微处理器芯片的国家要多。
More crucial to the Bush administration has been Libya's importance in countering al-Qaeda and its offshoots. 对于布什政府而言,更为至关紧要的是利比亚在制衡基地组织及其党羽中的重要作用。
More dealing is imminent, beginning with Spanoulis, Lucas and Head. 更多的交易即将开始,斯潘诺里斯,卢卡斯和头部.
More detail on dislocations, including partials, stacking faults, and dislocation intersections are discussed. 更深入了解差排,探讨包含部份差排、叠差及差排间交互作用。
More detailed researches are focused on discussing the rationality and restrictive of DF problem in this paper and the typical exemplification and counterexample are presented. 本文针对描述函数法适用于该问题的合理性及其局限性作了较为深入的分析,并给出了典型的例证和反例加以说明。

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