Scouring is not required and bleaching is usually also unnecessary since the whiteness is usually sufficient for dyeing and printing.
如果面料的白度足够且能用以染色和印花的话,一般就不再需要洗涤和漂白了。 |
Scout about and see if you can find some fruit growing that we could eat.
仔细地找找,看是否能找到一些我们能吃的水果。 |
Scout uniforms are not available from the World Scout Bureau.
世界童军办公室并没有保存童军制服。 |
Scout's take: You spend your whole career hoping you can find a guy with that kind of poise on the mound.
球探报告:你希望终其职业生涯,可以找到像他一样在投手丘上那般的镇静的投手。 |
Scouting ain't dead yet.
球探报告不是都是没用的。 |
Scouting for wildflowers near Crested Butte, Colorado, Schallau hit a gold mine: a field of mule's ear against a backdrop of the Anthracite Range and a glorious sunset.
在科罗拉多冠丘附近寻找野花时,沙鲁发现了一个金矿:一片骡子耳朵花(一种向阳花)在安史罗塞特山峦和夕阳金碧辉煌的背景中。 |
Scouting is a movement of young people supported by adults; it is not a movement for young people managed by adults only.
童军运动是由成年领袖支持的青少年的运动,它不单是一个由成年人设计给青少年参加的活动。 |
Scouts do not give advices anymore but warnings.
除了警告你对方如何如何厉害,球探不会给你任何建议。 |
Scouts from the chosen box then spread through the swarm, signaling that it was time to move.
接着,从被选定的蜂巢盒飞回的巡逻蜂就会在蜂群传递这个决定,暗示着大家是迁移的时候了。 |
Scouts, for instance, are dirt cheap, super fast, and have virtually no weapons but a great line of sight.
例如侦察机,非常便宜,超级快,实际上几乎没有武器,但是有非常远的侦察范围。 |
Scowled at me when I came home late.
当我回家晚时对我皱眉头 |