These decent, God-fearing Christians are chowing down on a nice fried chicken dinner provided them by the county, smacking greasy lips and gnawing cobbettes of corn.
这些体面的、敬畏上帝的人正吃着法院提供的美味炸鸡餐,咂着油腻的嘴唇啃着可比特玉米。” |
These declarations should be made at the class level (not within an individual function definition).
这些声明应该在类一级(不是在单独的一个函数定义中)。 |
These defects and vacancies could be what, in effect, undergo Bose-Einstein condensation.
这些缺陷和空位,可能就是实际上发生玻色–爱因斯坦凝聚之处。 |
These defenses, including both policies and technologies (Figure 1 Preventative Defensive Measures), have varying effects on the organization's risk categories (Figure 2 Economic Risk Schematic for IT Systems).
包括政策层和技术层(图1,预防性的防御措施(略))两者在内的这些防御层将会对机构的风险类型产生各种不同的影响(图2,IT系统经济风险的示意图(略))。 |
These deficits localized the lesion to the left frontal cortical/subcortical region.
根据这些症状可将损害定位于左侧皮质或皮质下区域。 |
These defilers can attain powerful positions in the templar hierarchy and can achieve great personal power.
这些亵渎者能够达到圣堂武士级的权位,并具有更强的个人力量。 |
These definitions are used throughout the remainder of this manual.
下面的这些定义将在本指南的其余部分使用到。 |
These demonic atrocities have been seen in many regions of Sanctuary and within the Western Kingdoms.
这些恶魔般的暴行已经在王国西部及很多地区的庇护所发生。 |
These demonic imps have, of late, become very common throughout the woodlands of the Western Kingdoms.
这些有魔力的小魔鬼最近在西方王国的森林中相当常见。 |
These departments shall maintain commercial confidentiality and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the military trading companies.
有关部门应当为军品贸易公司保守商业秘密,维护军品贸易公司的合法权益。 |
These departments shall provide the successful tender with the funds and other conditions that they decided to offer when making the bidding.
有关部门应当对中标单位提供招标时确定的资助或者其他条件。 |