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The problem of the cure-rate incompatibility in dissimilar rubbers, including the selection of optimum vulcanization system, the modification of rubber, the use of dynamic vulcanization technology and the selection of optimum blending technique were revie

The problem of robust stability analysis for convex polytopic uncertain discrete-time systems with multiple-state delays is investigated. 摘要研究了具有多重状态时滞的凸多面体不确定离散系统的鲁棒稳定性分析问题。
The problem of sustainability remains, but biologically productive land area is not a useful indicator of it. 永续的问题仍然存在,但是具有生物生产力的土地面积却不是个有用的指标。
The problem of temporal data mining with the single-character was discussed. A method of extracting single character, based on SOM, was proposed. Experiments showed that the proposed algorithm was effective. 摘要对单属性时态特征聚类进行了研究,提出了一种基于SOM网络(自组织特征映射)聚类提取单属性时态数据特征的方法,通过实验表明此算法是有效的。
The problem of the Security Council is how to become more effective. 五大常任理事国应考虑各成员国的外交需求和民族利益、事先取得一致,以此提高效率。
The problem of the crack at the top of tube's glassy shell encountered in the manufacture procedure of 3-500C transmitting tube is present and analyzed detailedly in this paper. 摘要针对3-500C型发射管在生产制造过程中出现的玻壳顶部炸裂问题,进行了详细的分析,并提出了解决措施。
The problem of the cure-rate incompatibility in dissimilar rubbers, including the selection of optimum vulcanization system, the modification of rubber, the use of dynamic vulcanization technology and the selection of optimum blending technique were revie 摘要硫化不相容性是橡胶共混中的重要问题,解决硫化不相容性的方法主要是:选择合适的硫化体系,对橡胶进行化学改性,采用动态硫化技术和选择合适的共混工艺。
The problem of the negative effect produced by science and technology on human being, by all appearances, is becoming more and more complex. 科学技术对人类的影响这一问题的确变得越来越复杂了。
The problem of the parameter selection in the present experiential vibration velocity formula was pointed out. 摘要从目前爆破振动经验公式入手,指出其中参数的选取存在的问题。
The problem of the poor and of the city in America , simplified , is the problem of the ghetto Negro. 美国的贫困问题与城市问题简单来看就是居住在黑人区的黑人问题。
The problem of the veteran doesn't just end with his anger. 退伍老兵不光是愤怒的问题。
The problem of water quality fluctuation of Huanghe River becomes more and more serious in recent years, which exerts great influence on power plants using water from Huanghe Rive as their feed water. 摘要黄河水量水质随季节的变化日益明显,使黄河水水质波动突出,对内蒙古自治区境内以黄河水为补给水的电厂正常生产造成很大影响。

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