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My curlers burned my hair and I had to go to the hairdresser.

My credit card becomes invalid after it's expiration. 我的信用卡到期后就失去效用了。
My credit card is expired. Can you renew it for me? 我的信用卡过期了。你可以换发新卡给我吗?
My crew and I flew these missions with the belief that they would bring the war to an end. 我和我的部属在执行原子轰炸任务时坚信,我们将结束战争。
My cues are made by hand - it is the only way to make a good cue. 我的球杆是手工制作的,这也是制作好球杆唯一的途径。
My curiosity stirred, I tried to open it. 这引起了我的兴趣,我试着打开它。
My curlers burned my hair and I had to go to the hairdresser. 我的卷发器烧了我的头发,所以我必须去美发店。
My current passion is to play chess. 我现在的激情是下棋。
My customer is a bit up set about this part. 我的翻译:我的客户对这个产品(零件)有点不耐烦了。
My dad always says, “you are what you do, not what you say. 父亲总是告诉我:「你的价值是以你所做的事,而不是以你所说的话来决定的。」
My dad cooked hamburgers at the barbecue. 我爸爸在烤肉时做了汉堡。
My dad drops in on me from time to time. 我父亲有时候会顺道来看我。

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