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Mr. White followed a parking sign but was given a ticket by the policeman. Can you guess what that sign reads?

Mr. Weixin has strong administrant capability, and his particular interior management pattern and corporation culture lead the hotel develop very quickly. 胡伟新先生在企业管理方面机制灵活,经营管理创新能力强,运用独特的内部管理模式和企业文化,良好地影响了一个地区的酒店业向前发展。
Mr. Welch is valuing The Globe, which The Times bought for $1.1 billion in 1993, at $550 million to $600 million. 威尔许评估波士顿环球报的资产约值5亿5,000万美元到六亿美元,纽约时报公司1993年是以11亿美元买下该报。
Mr. Welch's secretary said he was teaching yesterday at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was not available. His comment is, 'no comment,' she said. 威尔许的秘书说,他昨天仍在麻省理工学院上课,找不到他发表意见。她说,「威尔许的评论是,『不予置评』」。
Mr. West hunts big game for sport. 韦斯特先生狩猎大动物以作消遣。
Mr. White can [color=blue]keep his head[/color] in any emergency; he is never likely to panic. 怀特先生在任何紧急情况下都能保持镇静,从不会惊慌。
Mr. White followed a parking sign but was given a ticket by the policeman. Can you guess what that sign reads? 怀特先生按停车指示牌停车,却被警察开票罚款。你猜得出指示牌上的内容吗?
Mr. White has a green thumb. His garden is always beautiful. 怀特先生有搞园艺的本领。他家的庭院总是很美的。
Mr. White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country. 怀特先生已不再对那个国家的政变做任何官方评论了。
Mr. White is a clever businessman. (白先生是一个精明的商人。)
Mr. White thinks about how to deal with the dirty river half the time. 怀特教师常常思索怎么清晰那条脏河.
Mr. White, I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. 怀特先生,结识您十分高兴。

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