The Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures is an epochal event in the history of Chinese culture.
摘要佛典汉译是中国文化史上的一个重大事件。 |
The Chinese university students have both anti-American feeling and anti-Japanese attitude, but there is a large discrepancy between them in content, degree, nature and directing subject.
摘要中国大学生既有反美情绪也有反日情绪,但是二者的内容、程度、性质及指向的主体有很大不同。 |
The Chinese various universities' economy class graduate altogether has about every year 130,000 people, if 130,000 graduates all are engaged in the foreign trade profession work, next five year China also only will be able to train 650,000 foreign trades
每年中国各高校的经济类毕业生总共有13万人左右,如果13万毕业生全都从事外贸行业工作,今后五年中国也只能培养出65万外贸人才,缺口至少在100万以上。 |
The Chinese water resources minister will soon visit India for further discussion on the water related issues, Soz said.
他还透露,中国水利部长将很快访问印度,并就水资源问题作进一步探讨。 |
The Chinese website is under construction. Please visit our English web pages for now. Thank you.
中文网页正在建设中,敬请期待。点击这里访问英文主页。 |
The Chinese were irked by this use of “cold war vocabulary”.
这种“冷战词汇”的使用让中国人颇为恼火。 |
The Chinese were wooing African leaders away from the Soviet Union and the West.
中国人试图将非洲领导从苏联和西方拉拢过来。 |
The Chinese winners bring well-honed efficiency and aggressiveness to comepetition in Amercia and other foreign markets.
中国的胜利者们带着已经“磨好的”高效率和侵略性,进入美国和其它外国市场。 |
The Chinese women owe a great deal to them and will engrave their names on the hearts forever.
中国妇女乃至全世界妇女将永远铭记她(他)们的名字! |
The Chinese word Wuli was first examined in literature of the Warring States period.According to its wide use in ancient China,the word refers in general to the principle of all objects or the natural laws.In ancient times the meaning of Wuli is similar t
“物理”一词,在中国古代最早见于战国,此后在各种典籍中被广泛使用,其含义泛指万物之理与自然规律,这种含义与西方古代“物理”一词的含义相近.明清时期西学东渐,“物理”一词的翻译几经变化.古代日本的科学在相当程度上受到中国的影响,17世纪至19世纪上半叶来华传教士译述的物理书籍也在日本被注释翻译.甲午战争后,中日两国之间科技交流的态势发生了逆转.19世纪下半叶至20世纪初,日中两国“物理”一词的译名先后确定.随着现代物理学的迅速发展,物理学研究的范围和对象又在不断地变化. |
The Chinese word literally means hemp general.
中文意思大麻一般. |