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Last night I worked overtime to put a new engine in that old white car and didn't knock off until nine o'clock.

Last night I just stayed in and watched telly. 昨晚,我就呆在家里看电视。
Last night I saw a stupid show in which people on the streets were shocked without knowing it was a prank. 昨晚我看了一个愚蠢的节目,街上的人遭到惊吓,而不知道这是场恶作剧。
Last night I saw proof of microwave radiation. 97年2月20日:昨晚,我看到了关于微波辐射的证据。
Last night I took a walk in the snow. 昨晚我曾在雪地里散步.
Last night I was watching TV2. 昨晚偶然的扭开第二播道。
Last night I worked overtime to put a new engine in that old white car and didn't knock off until nine o'clock. 昨晚我为那辆旧白车安装新的引擎而加班干到九点才下班。
Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. 昨夜,日本军队袭击了关岛。
Last night Japanese forces attacked HongKong. 昨夜,日本军队袭击了香港。
Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. 昨夜,日本军队袭击了菲律宾群岛。
Last night Lucy went to the theatre. 昨晚露西去剧院看戏了。
Last night Mrs Bailey, 47, revealed how the lovelorn bird tries to impress her when they are alone. He looks right into my eyes and puts on what I can only describe as a mating display, with his wings up and his head bowed down,she said. 昨天,47岁的蓓莉小姐讲述了跟这只鹈鹕独处时,这只害了相思病的鸟儿是如何跟她示爱的:“它深深凝望我的双眼,张开了它的翅膀,低下头靠近我,就像对待情人一样。”

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