Statistical Studies for Drug Clinical Trials Designs and Gene-Disease Association
关于药物临床试验设计与基因—疾病关联性的统计研究 |
Statistically, the curative effect of the capsule had no difference from that of hyminal(P>0. 0) .
经统计学处理,复方酸枣仁安神胶囊的疗效与安眠酮相比,其差异无统计学意义(P>0.0),提示二者疗效相近。 |
Statistics Communique of China's Tourism Industry during the Seventh Five-Year Plan(98--990)
“七五”期间(98—990)中国旅游业统计公报 |
Statistics on the Patents of Medicinal Invention from 99 to 00 in China
99年~00年中国医药发明专利申请统计 |
Status and Biodiversity Conservation on Raptors in the Mountainous Areas Around Beijing
北京山区猛禽生存现状及保护对策 |
Status and Tendency of Forest Product Industry Research Judged by CAB Abstracts
从《CAB文摘》分析林产工业研究的现状和趋势 |
Status of Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus) Aquaculture in the World
世界大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)养殖现状 |
Status quo of Jamaica bauxite and alumina industry
牙买加的铝土矿和氧化铝工业现状 |
Steiner Minimal Trees of Trapezoidal Wave Graph Gn for φ= π/ [n/]<
关于φ=π/ [n/]< 时梯形波图G_n上的Steiner最小树 |
Stemlet of faba bean were taken as explants,the medium of bud-provoking ,bud-proliferating and root were sieved,the purpose of this study is to enhance rapid propagation of faba bean.
以蚕豆的茎段为外植体 ,初步筛选出蚕豆的芽诱导、芽增殖、生根培养基的配方 ,旨在为蚕豆快速繁育提供一些可操作依据。 |
Stents significantly reduced the percentage of cells expressing PDGF and PCNA. Media:intimal PCNA index was reduced from ( .0±.7)% to (. ±0.8)%(n=0,P<0.0), PDGF index was reduced from ( .0±. 9)% to (.±0.)%(n=0, P<0.0).
实验组内膜及中膜内侧区域PCNA、PDGF阳性细胞显著减少,PCNA从( ·±·7)%减少至(· ±0·8)%(P<0·0),PDGF从( ·0±· 9)%减少至(·±0·)%(P<0·0)。 |