The postoperative complications inc luded screw breakage(13.3%) and backache(14.2%).
术后并发症主要是断钉(13.3%)和腰部疼痛(14.2%)。 |
The postoperative course was smooth and her condition improved gradually at 10-month follwo-up.
本病例追踪迄今,尚无此现象,特提出此报告。 |
The postoperative development of haematomas was studied as right left comparison during a four-week period.
在为期四周的试验期间,对比了左/右侧术后血肿的变化情况。 |
The postpartum Chinese sturgeon mother can be keep alive above the situation breaking an abdomen fetching an ovum but being certain to die after laying, which has already been an extraordinary progress at present.
在其它大型鲟鱼类目前还处于破腹取卵而产后必死无疑的状况下,中华鲟产后亲鱼可以保活已经是了不起的进步。 |
The posture of kneeling is always rattled me.
一个人跪下去的姿势总让我心慌。 |
The posture of sitting should be good.
坐的姿势要端正。 |
The posture we take when we meditate signifies that we are linking absolute and relative,sky and ground,heaven and earth,like two wings of a bird,integrating the skylike deathless nature of mind and the ground of our transient,mortal nature.
天空就是我们的绝对的本性,没有边界,无拘无束;地就是我们的相对的现实生活,我们的相对心和凡夫心。 |
The postwar inflation, the pressure to meet the rising expectations of a high-consumption society, the rising divorce rate, which left many women responsible for their own economic well-being – all combined to create among women a high demand for paid emp
战后的通货膨胀,满足高消费社会群体更大期望产生的压力,离婚率的上升迫使妇女自谋生路,这些因素导致妇女对有偿工作的大量需求。 |
The pot called the kettle black.
五十步笑百步。 |
The pot calls the kettle black.
五十步笑百步。 |
The pot consists of pot body,brace,worm and worm wheel.The pot body can rotate within 180 degree.The equipment adopts open-top concentration,which is mainly used to boil and concentrate liquid materials of pharmacy,food,chemical engineering and light indu
可倾式夹层锅由锅体、支架、蜗轮、蜗杆等部件组成,锅体可作180度以内的转动,本设备为敞口式浓缩,主要用于制药、食品、化工、轻工等行业对料液的煎煮和浓缩,该设备与物料接触部分为不锈钢SUS304,具有较好的耐腐蚀性能,经久耐用,符合GMP医药标准,同时亦可根据用户要求,可增加搅拌装置。 |