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From explaining the meaning of science and the contribution and directive effect of medical model of TCM,concept of therapeutics and theoretical thinking on life science,the paper demonstrated that TCM is the frontier subject of life science.It was an emp

From eight and nine decades of 20 era on, economic globalization has become a new trend that predominates the worldwide developments, the unbalance in economic development and the inconsistence in interests are more obvious, and economic frictions between 摘要20世纪80、90年代以后,经济全球化成为支配世界发展的新趋势,经济发展的不平衡和利益不一致更加凸显,各国之间的经济摩擦日趋激烈。
From energy crises to air pollution, and from the improvement of the standard of living to space exploration, the approaching world of 21st century bristles challenges whose resolution, for better or worse, will depend largely on the quality of education 从能源危机到大气污染,从生活水平的改善到对对外太空的探索,21世纪的长足发展面临挑战,更好或更坏,主要将取决于教育的质量。
From energy generation via energy distribution right up to the efficient utilization of this energy. 这些产品涵盖汽车能源的制造,配送和有效利用整过程。
From every mountainside, let freedom ring. 让自由之声响彻每一个山岗!
From existing data, the prevalence rate of misplaced maxillary canine varies from 1% to 3%. 摘要上颚未萌出异位及阻生犬齿的盛行率约为1%~3%。
From explaining the meaning of science and the contribution and directive effect of medical model of TCM,concept of therapeutics and theoretical thinking on life science,the paper demonstrated that TCM is the frontier subject of life science.It was an emp 文章从对科学含义的阐释、中医学的医学模式、治疗学思想、理论思维等对生命科学的指导作用和贡献,论证中医学是生命科学的前沿科学,对“告别中医中药”论进行了有力的驳斥。
From falling dawn into my eyes. 所以雨滴坠落在我的眼里.
From far away drifted a faint, sharp yelp, followed by a chorus of similar sharp yelps. 远方传来一阵微弱而尖锐的呼叫,随之是一阵相同的尖叫声的合奏。
From farm fields and country lanes to ancient arenas and modern racetracks, horse racing is one of humankind's most ancient sports. 从农田和乡间小路到古代竞技场和现代跑道,赛马无处不在,是人类最古老的运动项目之一。
From fields and forests, the Russians launched hit-and-run attacks on the French. 俄国人出没于田野与森林,采用打了就跑的战术,向法国人发起攻击。
From first to last the strenuous contest was going on in an excited atmosphere and won favorable applause at times. 整个展示、评比活动中,现场的气氛紧张热烈,多媒体教室里不时传来热烈的掌声。

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