Should there capacitance of the provisional filing documents in a timely manner into the flash memory chip can guarantee archived documents permanent retentionFlash memory chips into the memory of (name of the file extension SAV document) Only through on- |
中文意思: 因此要将电容内的临时存档文件及时写入闪存芯片才能保证存档文件的永久性保留,写入闪存芯片的记忆文件(文件后缀名称为SAV的文件),只有通过电脑联机在移动磁盘下操作才可以在电脑上删除或备份,不再受电容电能的影响。 |
Should there be any trouble with the boiler, the automatic controlling unit would cut off the fuel oil supply.
假如锅炉出问题的话,自控装置会自动切断燃油的供给。 |
Should there be more than one gene, it is my firm belief that it would not destroy the argument — merely add more words to it.
如果魔法天赋不只与一对基因有关,我坚信我下面的论点依然有效,只不过需要更多的篇幅加以阐述而已。 |
Should there be no electricity, people would still be living under the same condition as in the middle period of 19th century, relying on coal, wood, oil and natural gas for heat and light, and steam to provide power for industry and transportation use.
没有电,人们就会在19世纪中期的条件下生活和工作,靠煤、木材、油、天然气等燃料获取热和光,靠蒸汽为工业和运输提供动力。 |
Should there be urgent situation, press the red button to switch off the electricity.
万一有紧急情况,请按红色按钮以切断电源。 |
Should there be urgent situations, press this red button to switch off the electricity.
万一情况紧急,按这个红色按扭以切断电源。 |
Should there capacitance of the provisional filing documents in a timely manner into the flash memory chip can guarantee archived documents permanent retentionFlash memory chips into the memory of (name of the file extension SAV document) Only through on-
因此要将电容内的临时存档文件及时写入闪存芯片才能保证存档文件的永久性保留,写入闪存芯片的记忆文件(文件后缀名称为SAV的文件),只有通过电脑联机在移动磁盘下操作才可以在电脑上删除或备份,不再受电容电能的影响。 |
Should these precancerous cases be treated, the cancerization risk of target population would reduce dramatically and the incidence of EC would be decreased down to 2/3.
现场临床研究发现,重度和部分中度不典型增生者是癌前病变,如能重点治疗这一群体,则能有效切断目标人群癌变风险的主要来源,可使食管癌的发病率下降2/3。 |
Should they attack us , we would wipe them out .
如果他们攻击我们,我们就消灭他们。 |
Should they attack us, we'll wipe them out completely.
假若他们进攻我们,我们就把它们消灭干净。 |
Should they fade with time?
是否应该随时间而褪色? |
Should they focus on certain vertical markets?
他们是否应将焦点放在某些垂直的市场? |