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This course involves reading about how to do fieldwork, practicing fieldwork, reading ethnographies and about ethnography, and practicing writing ethnography.

This course introduces the theory and technology of micro/nano fabrication. 本课程介绍了微米/纳米制造的理论和技术。
This course introduces the theory of engineering electromagnetics. 工程电磁学必3本课程在介绍工程上基本的电磁学理论。
This course investigates the uses and boundaries of fiction in a range of novels and narrative styles, traditional and innovative, western and non-western, and raises questions about the pleasures and meanings of verbal texts in different cultures, times, 本课程致力于探究小说的功能和界限,这是在小说的种类和叙述风格、传统与革新、西方与非西方的意义上展开的;从而对处于不同文化背景、不同历史时期甚至形态各异的小说文本所呈现出的趣味和内涵提出问题。
This course involves a review of the use of information systems technology in organizational decision-making. 本课程主旨在回顾信息系统技术在企业决策过程的应用。
This course involves five short lab projects and a design problem, ranging in subject from operational amplifiers to thermal systems. 本课程包括五个小的实验项目和一个设计问题,题目范围从从运算放大器到热力系统。
This course involves reading about how to do fieldwork, practicing fieldwork, reading ethnographies and about ethnography, and practicing writing ethnography. 本课程包含:阅读如何进行田野调查、如何实作田野调查、阅读民族志暨探讨民族志,以及练习撰写民族志。
This course is a 12-week elementary training, taught in Mandarin. Participants will learn about performing for the camera, which gives them a strong foundation in professional TV acting. 这是个以中文教学的课程。在这12个星期里,参加者将深入地学习和了解电视表演的过程和技巧。这课程的另一目标是为参加者打好专业演技的基础。
This course is a instruction of life philosophical thinkings upon Buddha dharma. 这个课程,是一个探讨佛法当中的生命哲学思想的课程。
This course is a practicum-style seminar in anthropological methods of ethnographic fieldwork and writing. 此课程乃是针对人类学中民族志的实地考查与写作法的实务运作进行研究讨论。
This course is a prerequisite for all of the advanced marketing courses. 本课程为所有高等行销课程的先修课程。
This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a fairly advanced level. 本课程是关于现代总体经济学的一个进阶的概论。

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