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Electric current from a tiny battery within the patch could widen cell gaps and push ionized drug molecules through them.

Electric Power: In Binzhou, power plants with a capacity of 500kw or more produce a total capacity of 257.5MW ; transformers with a capacity over 35kv total 1791.7MV;and power lines with capacity over 35kv stretch 1524.2 kilometers. 电力:全市拥有500千瓦以上电力总容量25.75万千瓦;有35千伏以上变压器总容量179.117万千伏安,35千伏及以上输电线路1524.2公里。
Electric air heaters emersion heaters,heater tubes after burners,flange heaters. 电子空气加热器,复现加热器,燃烧,加热管,滚边加热器.
Electric appliances(such as microwave ovens, induction cookers, heaters, televisions, computers, lights, recording equipment, etc.) that are likely to cause fire if left on should be turned off before leaving. 外籍教师、留学生出门之前应关闭所有电器设备,如:微波炉,电磁炉,取暖器,电脑,电视,电灯,录音器材等,消除火灾隐患;若因未切断电源或其它个人原因引发火灾事故,当事人应承担相应责任。
Electric charges work when they move. 当电荷运动时,就做功。
Electric circuits of experiments can be conveniently and reliably connected. 实验电路连接方便、简捷可靠。
Electric current from a tiny battery within the patch could widen cell gaps and push ionized drug molecules through them. 有的药用贴片内安装有微型电池,产生电流使细胞间隙扩张后,再将离子化的药物分子带入。
Electric design in making medicament from power distribution electric, luminance, annihilating germ by ultraviolet radiation, fire alarm, wire and tube and so on, was discussed briefly in this paper. 从动力配电、电气照明、紫外线灭菌、火灾报警和电气管线等几个方面对制剂厂的电气设计作了简要的论述。
Electric field of the emission system of a liquid metal ion source was simulated, based on the conventional dynamic protrusion model and the widely used charge simulation method. 摘要发射系统是液态金属离子源的关键部件之一,它的性能的优劣直接影响到整个离子源的工作稳定性和可靠性。
Electric furnace roof precast block is noted for high strength,good erosion resistance,steady quality,and long using time . 电炉预制件具有强度高、热震性能好、耐侵蚀、质量稳定和使用寿命长等特点。
Electric heating elements shall be screw-in, direct-immersion, resistance-type heating elements. 电气加热元件应该螺纹拧进的,直接浸入式,电阻型加热元件。
Electric heating products have all-weather proof capacity.When installing,pay attention to easy maintenance,tidy and good looking and no rain and snow will be collected in future use. 电伴热产品具有全天候防护能力。安装时应考虑维护方便,整齐美观,且不使系统积聚雨雪。

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