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Randomization was performed before LT. In all patients, tacrolimus was used without induction therapy.

Random statistics class doodle, redrawn later as a style comparison. 上统计学课的时候随便画的﹐后来为了比较画风又重画了一遍。
Random vitamin testing isn't foolproof. 随机的维他命检测不是保险装置。
Random walks, brownian motion, diffusion. 随机行走,布朗运动,扩散。
Random-Access Memory. A broad classification of memory devices that includes all devices in which individual memory locations may be read or written as required. 随机访问存储器。一个包含了所有每个地址能被按需读写的存储设备的粗略分类。
Random-access dictionaries and cookbooks may be useful; random-access novels less so. 对于字典和烹饪书来说让它们变得伸手可及也许会很重要;对于小说就不一定了。
Randomization was performed before LT. In all patients, tacrolimus was used without induction therapy. 肝移植前就进行了随机抽样。对所有的病人使用免疫抑制药他克莫司,不进行诱导试验。
Randomized phase III trial of whole-abdominal irradiation ersus doxorubicin and cisplatin chemotherapy in adanced endometrial carcinoma: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. 422例病人入组,结果显示阿霉素+顺铂的化疗较全腹放疗能显著提高无病生存期和总生存期。
Randomly exposed them to eight designs of winged needles, such as one decorated as a butterfly, and six designs of syringes fitted with a needle. 让他们随机看到8款带翼的针,那样的装饰的有如一只蝴蝶,以及6款的合上了一支针的针筒。
Randomness in this case is modelled as a Gaussian white noise process. 模式中之随机性乃视为一高斯白噪音过程。
Randt said economic and trade cooperation with China is important to the United States and is in the interest of both countries. Randt说,就美国而言,与中国的经贸合作是重要的,并且符合中美两国利益。
Randy Harrison: My first thought was that I was glad to have an audition! 我非常喜欢这部电视剧。我的问题是――当你第一次听说有这个节目的试镜的时候,你有什么想法?

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