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Objective: To probe into prep-cultivating time s effect on phage expansion experiment of tubercle bacillus.
方法:对166例临床诊断为肺结核患者的标本,经液化处理后均进行过夜组(预培养24h)及不过夜组(室温放置6h后)分支杆菌噬菌体生物扩增试验,试验方法按结核分支杆菌噬菌体裂解试剂盒(FAST PlaqueTBTM)操作手册操作,对照分析二者的阳性率和污染率。

Methods According to mastic preparation craft mastic of zinc norfloxacin was made and some methods like the character,the distinction and the potential of hydrogen were put forward and external inhibition bacterium experiment was performed. 方法:按凝胶剂制备工艺制备了诺氟沙星锌凝胶剂;建立了性状、鉴别、酸碱度、含量测定等质控方法,并进行了体外抑菌实验。
Objective:To investigate the mechanism of Dicha Kechuan Oral Liquid in treatment of chronic bronchitis model mice. 方法:采用改进烟熏方法复制慢性支气管炎小鼠动物模型,将小鼠随机分为6组:模型组、复方川贝母组、地茶咳喘露高、中、低组及不加处理的正常组。
Objective: To study the expressions and clinical significances of p16INK4A and p14ARF proteins in squamous carcinoma of the cervix(SCC) and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN). 方法:采用免疫组织化学S-P法对95例宫颈鳞癌(SCC)标本、80例宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)标本和45例正常宫颈标本进行p16INK4A和p14ARF蛋白的检测。
Methods: The effects of oxidants and reducing agents on maxi-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel in cultured rat trigeminal ganglion neurons by using whole-cell patch-clamp technique. 方法:采用全细胞膜片钳电生理方法,记录氧化还原药物对三叉神经节细胞大电导钙激活钾通道(BKCa)的影响。
Methods: The China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) was reviewed, ANOVA and cluster analysis were conducted with the sixty selected articles about patients with different diseases on SCL-90 factors. 方法:查阅中国期刊数据网,对选取的60篇文章中有关不同疾病患者SCL-90的测量结果进行变异数分析和聚类分析。
Objective: To probe into prep-cultivating time s effect on phage expansion experiment of tubercle bacillus. 方法:对166例临床诊断为肺结核患者的标本,经液化处理后均进行过夜组(预培养24h)及不过夜组(室温放置6h后)分支杆菌噬菌体生物扩增试验,试验方法按结核分支杆菌噬菌体裂解试剂盒(FAST PlaqueTBTM)操作手册操作,对照分析二者的阳性率和污染率。
Objective:To study the possibility of replacement of nasal bone fracture under nasal endoscope. 方法:对33例闭合性鼻骨骨折患者,在仰卧位下行鼻内镜检查、直视下行鼻骨塌陷处的局部浸润麻醉、鼻骨复位。
Methods usingquestionnaires to investigate the epidemic situation of flu like cases;collecting nasopharynx mopsto examine flu viruses. 方法:设计调查表格,调查类流感疫情;采集类流感病例鼻咽拭子标本,利用M DCK细胞传代技术分离流感病毒。
Platelet aggregation and thrombgenesis are detected. 方法:实时监测犬脑血流量、脑血管阻力、心率、平均动脉血压,检测大鼠全血血小板聚集,检测大鼠动-静脉旁路血栓形成。
The mRNA and protein expression of DDC were examined by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting methods, respectively. 方法:体外合成多巴脱羧酶的小干扰RNA(siRNA-DDC),转染人胃癌细胞系BGC823,逆转录酶链式反应(RT-PCR)和免疫印迹法(Western blot)方法检测DDC基因和蛋白表达的变化,体外侵袭实验检测转染后细胞侵袭能力的变化。
The positive clones were screened by agarose electrophoresis,and the inserted sequence in the recombinants was detected by DNA sequencing. 方法:以mU 6pro为载体,化学合成shRNA表达模板,并定向克隆到载体的U 6启动子下游,琼脂糖凝胶电泳法筛选阳性克隆,基因测序法检测插入模板序列的正确性。

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