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During the recognition phase, Euclidean Distance representing VQ distortion in this project is calculated.

During the putting practice, just putting the frame under the armpit can shape a triangle for two arms so as to make the two arms stable naturally like pendulum. 在进行推杆练习时,只需将横架架在腋窝之下,便可使双臂形成一个三角形从而达到在推杆时双臂犹如钟摆般稳定自如。
During the rainy season, engorged streams flowing from higher elevations to the west—perhaps even the incipient Amazon—would have carried the brown sands with them; moreover, the minerals typical of the Andean highlands appeared only in the sandstone laye 雨季时,暴涨的河水从高海拔处往西边流(或许包括了早期的亚马逊河),其中夹带了棕色的沙粒;此外,安地斯高地典型的矿物,也只出现在沙岩层中。
During the reaction press, the beginning of water spraying can cause the system pressure to increase temporarily. 水合物的制备过程中,喷雾的启动会引起系统内部压力有短暂的升高。
During the recent boom in technology stocks, several cases emerged where the law of one price was violated, and high transaction costs limited arbitrage, allowing the mispricing to persist. 最近在高科技股票大涨的过程中,出现过几个违反了单一定价的例子,而且由于高昂的交易成本限制了套利行为,因而导致不合理定价的现象持续存在。
During the reception, playful friends “decorate” the couple's car with tissue paper, tin cans and a “Just Married” sign. 婚礼期间,俏皮的朋友会用彩纸、锡杯以及一块“新婚”标志装饰新人乘坐的婚车。
During the recognition phase, Euclidean Distance representing VQ distortion in this project is calculated. 在认识阶段期间,通过对欧几里德距离代表VQ的计算来减少失真。
During the reform and opening flood period, this company always acts as a helmsman, maintaining a high development speed. 在改革开放的浪潮中,公司一直充当着弄潮儿的角色,保持着高速发展的良好势头。
During the reforms by King Mongkut and King Chulalongkorn, the activities of overseas Chinese promoted the development of Siamese economy, increased the income of the government, speeded up the turnover of funds, stimulated the development of Siamese comm 在曼谷王朝中期——蒙固王和朱拉隆功国王改革时期华人移民活动促进了暹罗经济发展,增加了政府收入,加快了资金的周转,刺激了暹罗商品生产的发展和货币流通渠道的开通,为暹罗进入资本主义打下了经济基础,也为暹罗的社会和政治改革奠定了基础。
During the rehearsal of a wedding gown show, Scott has mistakenly taken a six-year-old child, Wayne, as a thief, but the child suddenly calls him Dad! 谁料,人算不如天算,在锺世杰举办的大型婚纱表演彩排中,一个被他误会为小偷的六岁小孩锺永言(区家兴饰),竟在众目睽睽之下直呼他做「爸爸」,与他相认。
During the reign of King Josiah, the LORD said to me, Have you seen what faithless Israel has done? 6约西亚王在位的时候,耶和华又对我说,背道的以色列所行的,你看见没有。
During the reign of King Louis XVI, France was forced to confront a major financial crisis which had been brewing for decades. 在国王路易十六统治时期,法国不可避免地遭遇了一场已经蛰伏了数十年之久的重大财政危机。

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