Officials believe that building one or two casinos will create thousands of jobs for unskilled workers, while the city-state also seeks to double the number of visitors to 17m in the next decade.
官员们相信,建设一两家赌场将为非技术工人创造数千个就业机会,同时这个城市国家正寻求在未来10年内使游客数量倍增,达到1700万。 |
Officials believe wreckage is trapping bodies.
政府官员认为残害掩盖了尸体。 |
Officials blame some of those fires on arson.
官方指责部分地区是有人故意纵火。 |
Officials blame the blast on a suicide bomber riding a motorcycle.
有关官员称爆炸事件是一名骑摩托车的自杀炸弹杀手所为。 |
Officials blamed the weather for at least 36 deaths.
官方人员统计至少36人因天气死亡。 |
Officials cite the economic benefits in opposing the plant's closing.
官员们拿经济利益作为挡箭牌,反对关闭工厂。 |
Officials declined to comment on the second board.
证交所官员拒绝对二板市场发表评论。 |
Officials discovered the rock 4)wedged in a 5)screen beneath one of the facility's shower 6)stalls.
结果狱警们在监狱一间单人淋浴间的下水道里,发现这颗钻石卡在了一张滤网中。 |
Officials dispatched to the ROC by foreign governments on short-term missions and their dependants.
三外国政府派遣来我国执行短期外交任务之官员及其眷属。 |
Officials estimate there are at least 400,000 homeless in Aceh, and most are living in makeshift refugee camps along the washed out roads, in the forests, or anywhere they can find a spot of land.
官员们估计,印尼亚齐地区有至少40万人无家可归,其中大多数人居住在临时搭起的难民营里,栖身在被海水冲蚀的道路边和森林里、或者可以居住的任何一片陆地上。 |
Officials fear those numbers will rise as well.
有关官员担心死伤人数还会上升。 |