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Unemployment breeds social unrest.

Une question : il y a en France des bons forums de la République de Chine? 一个问题:在法国有没有好的中华民国之论坛?
Unearned revenue, which reflects long-term contracts on the balance sheet that have been signed but not recognized as income, came in $350 million higher than Microsoft had projected at $9.17 billion, indicating that corporate customers were signing up fo 放映在资产负债表上未经审核的已签长期合约,非经常性盈利比微软原计划91.7亿美元高出3.5亿美元,表明机构用户签署了即将问世的软件产品。
Unearthing more uranium is expensive and time-consuming. 发掘更多的铀矿成本昂贵而且耗费时间。
Uneaten food i ults the cook. 东西没吃完对厨师是一种侮辱。
Uneaten food insults the cook. 东西没吃完对厨师是一种侮辱。
Unemployment breeds social unrest. 失业能造成社会不安定.
Unemployment has become one of the serious problems. 失业已经变成一个严重的问题了。
Unemployment has been the keynote of the conference. 会议的主题是失业问题.
Unemployment has gone up again. 失业人数又上升了.
Unemployment has reached a level that would not have been thinkable ten years ago. 失业问题已达到严重地步, 在十年前是难以想像的.
Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. 失业人数总是减不下来,已经十个年头了。

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