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Community structures of zoobenthos and bio-assessment of water quality in Dahuangpu Wetland Nature Reserves in spring

A Study of Growth and Development of Wheat under Low Atmospheric Pressure 低大气压力条件下小麦的生长发育研究
Preparation and identification of dengue virus with deletion mutation of capsid protein 衣壳蛋白缺失突变登革病毒的制备与鉴定
An Effective Method of Studying Phytophysiological Metabolism: Calorespirometry 一种研究植物生理代谢的有效方法-热呼吸法
The Synthesis of One Zinc Fluorescence Probe Based on N-(8-quinolyl)-β-naphthalene Sulfonamide and the Stain of Yeast Cell 8-(2′-萘磺酰)-胺基喹啉锌荧光探针的合成及其对酵母细胞的染色
Handedness of Tibetan macaques Macaca thibetana in the Huangshan Mountains 黄山短尾猴的左右手倾向(英文)
Community structures of zoobenthos and bio-assessment of water quality in Dahuangpu Wetland Nature Reserves in spring 大黄堡湿地自然保护区春季底栖动物群落结构及水质生物评价
First Report and Taxonomic Study of the Genus Metacosma Kuznetsov (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) in China 中国新记录属——带小卷蛾属分类研究(鳞翅目:卷蛾科)(英文)
Interaction between BAR and PDZ Domain Assayed by Yeast Two-hybrid System 用酵母双杂交检测BAR与PDZ结构域的相互作用
Interaction between parathyroid hormone related protein with Bmi-1 in vitro 体外鉴定甲状旁腺激素相关蛋白与Bmi-1的相互作用
Condition Optimization for Degradation of Chlorophenols Using Laccase from Amillariella mellea 蜜环菌漆酶对氯酚类污染物催化降解条件优化
Isolation,identification of human fetal bone marrow-derived mesenchymal-like stem cells and their differentiation to adipocyte and osteoblast 人胎骨髓MSCs的分离鉴定及其向脂肪和成骨细胞的分化

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