This is an uncommon fluid accumulation that can be due to blockage of lymphatic drainage, in this case by a malignant lymphoma involving the mesentery and retroperitoneum. |
中文意思: 这是一种特殊的液体积聚,发生于淋巴管阻塞,通常是恶性淋巴瘤累及肠系膜和腹膜后腔。 |
This is an osteosarcoma (a variant known as parosteal osteogenic sarcoma) of bone.
这是一个骨肉瘤的病例(为骨旁骨肉瘤亚型)。 |
This is an ovarian dysgerminoma that has been sectioned into two halves.
图示:卵巢无性细胞瘤,已被剖开。 |
This is an panacea for any kind of introduction of any kind of composition.
这是任何作文开头都可以用的万能药! |
This is an unchangeable truth.
这是不易之定理。 |
This is an uncommon chance of life .
这是一生难得的机会. |
This is an uncommon fluid accumulation that can be due to blockage of lymphatic drainage, in this case by a malignant lymphoma involving the mesentery and retroperitoneum.
这是一种特殊的液体积聚,发生于淋巴管阻塞,通常是恶性淋巴瘤累及肠系膜和腹膜后腔。 |
This is an unique Mattress, good for health, using nano-technology, patented by USA, Japan and Taiwan, spreading miraculous ions, able to relieve body pressure, aches, fully recover from tiredness .It is a bed mattress worthy accompanying you for the rest
美国、日本、台湾合作的奈米科技健康床垫,具有神奇的负离子的舒压、快眠、促进血液循环、提升免疫力,可以解除您身体的疲劳、腰酸背痛、脊椎移位、五十肩酸痛、头痛等等的老毛病,值得伴您一生的健康名床。 |
This is an unique design of the Input methed.When the strokes are crossed, shouldn't take apart the character,only use the shape of four comers.
这是本输入法的独创设计思想:指笔画之间相互穿叉交连时,不再对此汉字进行拆分,而是依照汉字的四角形状取角。 |
This is an unorthodox method of handling plantain which differs radically from the traditional way of cultivating this crop.
这是一种与传统的大蕉种植方法根本不同的方法。 |
This is an unusual mistake, because Stripes of Gloryas the flag is known at home, carries a blue rectangle in its top left corner emblazoned with a yellow crescent and star, while red-and-white stripes alternate on the rest.
这是不寻常的错误,因为就如大马国人所熟知,「荣耀条纹旗」左上角是饰有一枚黄色新月与星星的蓝底四方形,其他部分则是红白相间的条纹。 |
This is an unusual neurologic complication of IE, tends to occur in the early stage of the illness, and may be related to Staphylococcus aureus infection.
它是少见的神经学合并症,且早期出现可能与金黄色葡萄球菌感染有关。 |