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Our paid-off period could be as long as 15 years, not including 3 years grace period.

Our packing is standardized in a manner which is approved by foreign clients. 我们的包装是标准化的,已为外国客户认可。
Our packing is well suited for long distance shipments. 我们的包装很适合长途运输。
Our packing now is wrapping each sweater in a transparent plastic bag first and then packing it in a small box which is exquisitely designed. 我们目前的包装方法是将每一件羊毛衫都先装入一个透明的塑料袋中,然后再装进一个设计精美的小盒子里。
Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese. 我们的包装可以与日本同行相比美。
Our pact is at an end. 我们的和约结束了。
Our paid-off period could be as long as 15 years, not including 3 years grace period. 我们的偿还期可达15年之久,不包括3年的宽限期。
Our pain may come from the ill-will of others, or worse, from their neglect. Nevertheless, our Lord has permitted it. 我们所受的痛苦,部分是来自别人的恶意伤害,更糟的是来自他人的疏忽。虽然如此,这一切都是上帝所默许的。
Our paper got warm responds after we advocated that NO DRIVING on 5th June,the world Enviroment Day yesterday. 昨天本报发出了6月5日世界环境日不开车的倡议后,得到了积极响应。
Our papers are checked as we go through passport control at the airport. 我们通过机场查验护照的关卡时,查验了我们的证件。
Our parent company has nearly 20 years of history and employs a lot of excellent engineers. 韩国世纪海马产业公司拥有近二十年的生产经验及优秀的工程设计及技术人员。
Our parent company, LJ International Inc., is a public company listed on NASDAQ, selling jewelry worldwide for over 20 years. 我们的母公司劳伦斯国际有限公司是美国纳斯达克的上市公司,销售珠宝至世界各地已超过二十多年。

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