Article 9 Reserve officers who have made outstanding contributions during their performance of military duties shall be awarded honourable citations or citations for merit or conferred honourable titles in accordance with the relevant regulations of the C
第九条对在履行兵役义务过程中做出突出贡献的预备役军官,应当依照中央军事委员会的有关规定给予嘉奖、记功或者授予荣誉称号。 |
Article 9 Retirement pension and subsistence allowance for workers are paid by the management of their former enterprises; for Party and government organs, mass organizations and public institutions, the county level civil affairs departments of their abo
第九条工人的退休费、退职生活费,企业单位,由企业行政支付;党政机关、群众团体和事业单位,由退休、退职工人居住地方的县级民政部门另列预算支付。 |
Article 9 Should articles confiscated by the state administrative department according to law, articles used to pay taxes or fines and other kinds of articles be auctioned on consignment in accordance with State Council provisions, they shall be auctioned
第九条国家行政机关依法没收的物品,充抵税款、罚款的物品和其他物品,按照国务院规定应当委托拍卖的,由财产所在地的省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府和设区的市的人民政府指定的拍卖人进行拍卖。 |
Article 9 Software copyright shall belong to the software creators, unless otherwise specified in this Regulation.
第九条软件著作权属于软件开发者,本条例另有规定的除外。 |
Article 9 The Hong Kong Garrison shall not interfere in the local affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
第九条香港驻军不干预香港特别行政区的地方事务。 |
Article 9 The People's Bank of China shall have a Governor and a certain number of Deputy Governors.
第九条中国人民银行设行长一人,副行长若干人。 |
Article 9 The State Council and the county-above people's governments should map out the plans for occupational disease prevention that are woven into the national socioeconomic development plan, and should be responsible for the enforcement of the above
第九条国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当制定职业病防治规划,将其纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,并组织实施。 |
Article 9 The State Council and the local people's governments at all levels shall strengthen leadership in energy conservation, making plans for, coordinating, supervising, inspecting and promoting the work of energy conservation every year.
第九条国务院和地方各级人民政府应当加强对节能工作的领导,每年部署、协调、监督、检查、推动节能工作。 |
Article 9 The State Council shall organize execution of martial law in the country as a whole or in an individual province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.
省、自治区、直辖市的范围内部分地区的戒严,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府组织实施;必要时,国务院可以直接组织实施。 |
Article 9 The State encourages and arranges scientific research on vocational education.
第九条国家鼓励并组织职业教育的科学研究。 |
Article 9 The State encourages international exchanges in sports.
第九条国家鼓励开展对外体育交往。 |