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This restaurant adds a ten percent service charge.

This resource could serve as an expandable repository for MS-derived proteome information. 这种资源可以用作质谱产生的蛋白质组信息的可扩展的知识库。
This response is similar to the cumulative loss responses at the site in the Philippines. 这一效应与菲律宾试验地的累积损失效应相似。
This response is to be handed to Ms. Linky at 9:40am on Monday December 4, 2006 in the I.H.S. Principal Office. 请将这份回执于2006年12月4日星期一早上9:40交到中加高中校长室李婷老师处。
This response ranges from mild cutaneous reactions, such as pruritus and urticaria, to life threatening cardiovascular collapse. 反应包括较轻的皮肤反应如瘙痒和荨麻疹,严重者则危及生命,如心血管性虚脱。
This responsibility does not entail my doing for what you are capable of doing for yourself; now does it mean that I run your life for you. 这种责任心并不是说我为你做你能够自己做的事,也不意味着我为你来管理你的生活。
This restaurant adds a ten percent service charge. 这间餐厅加收百分之十的服务费。
This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook. 这家餐馆在旅游指南中标有三颗星.
This restaurant had a very nice view, but it was too expensive so we chose another place for dinner. 这家餐馆可以观赏到周围的美景,但是其菜肴价格不菲,于是我们只好选其他地方吃晚餐。
This restaurant has a 10 percent service charge. 这家餐厅收取10「爬线」的服务费.
This restaurant has a very romantic ambience . 这间餐厅有浪漫的气氛。
This restaurant is a family concern. 这家饭店是由一家人经营的。

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