Plot B is located at the triangle formed by Zhengxing Street, Jiefang Road and Fushou Street, boders Erqi Memorial Tower and Erqi Plaza in the east, Zhengzhou Railway Station in the south, Beijing Hualian Department Store in the north. |
中文意思: 地块位于正兴街、解放路与福寿街形成的三角形地带,东临二七纪念塔和二七广场,南接郑州火车站,北依北京华联等大型商厦。 |
Pliers are packed in boxes of 2 dozen each.
钳子用盒子包装,每箱两打。 |
Pliers are packed in wooden cases, each containing 100 boxes.
钳子用木箱包装,每箱装一百盒。 |
Pliny recommended it as an antidote to poison.
普林尼推荐它,作为一种解毒剂。 |
Pliosaurs were the top marine predators during a time when the oceans were teeming with large, meat-eating reptiles.
在海洋中充满庞大的食肉动物的那个时期,上龙是它们的霸主. |
Plot A is Located west of Minzhu Road, south of Taikang Road, north of Jiefang Road, east of Mingong Road, this project has a total area of 160 mu, borders grand KingBird Business Center, Beijing Hualian Department Store and Wal-Mart under construction in
地块位于民主路以西、太康路以南、解放路以北、铭功路以东,总面积160亩,东临我市商业巨擎金博大商城、北京华联商厦和建设中的沃尔玛旗舰商业店,南临郑州火车站,北临人民公园。 |
Plot B is located at the triangle formed by Zhengxing Street, Jiefang Road and Fushou Street, boders Erqi Memorial Tower and Erqi Plaza in the east, Zhengzhou Railway Station in the south, Beijing Hualian Department Store in the north.
地块位于正兴街、解放路与福寿街形成的三角形地带,东临二七纪念塔和二七广场,南接郑州火车站,北依北京华联等大型商厦。 |
Plot Outline: After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed.
在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑. |
Plot out targets in advance. Locate likely attack, rally, or observation points for the enemy and ensure that you know the numbers needed to get rounds on those locations quickly.
预先测定目标。标定敌军可能进攻、集结或观察点的位置,并确保测定所需相关数据以在需要时迅速投放炮弹。 |
Plot outline: The show follows the comical adventures of the Simpson family in the town of Springfield.
剧情概述:电影取材于辛普森一家在春田镇的喜剧、冒险生活。 |
Plot synopsis: Runs out Amazonis reorganizes the photography by 81 motion picture studios according to the actual events a modern military movement piece.
《冲出亚马逊》是由八一电影制片厂根据真人真事改编拍摄的一部现代军事动作片。 |
Plot twists are a tricky phenomenon. They can provide shock and awe in a carefully-constructed story, or turn out to be a cheap cop-out that evokes groans rather than gasps.
情节扭转是一种狡猾的现象。他们提供一个小心构造的故事,有震撼与威慑,或是唤起呻吟并非喘气的推托。 |