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Democratic Party members walked out of Legco in protest at the retention of a ointed seats in the district councils.

Democrat Senator Barack Obama said today he is considering a run for the White House. 今天,民主党议员巴拉克·奥巴玛称他正在认真考虑参选一事。
Democratic Party chairman Lee Wing-tat called the interpretation deeply regrettable, and feared there would be more interpretatio . 民主党主席李永达对释法表示非常遗憾,并恐怕日后会再有释法。
Democratic Party chairman Lee Wing-tat called the interpretation deeply regrettable, and feared there would be more interpretations. 民主党主席李永达对释法表示非常遗憾,并恐怕日后会再有释法。
Democratic Party chief Yeung Sum is to stand down as leader next month after taking the blame for the party's poor showing in September's Legislative Council election. 民主党主席杨森将于下月辞任主席一职,为立法会选举失利负责。
Democratic Party leader Martin Lee Chu-ming's motion was defeated by a vote of five to 22 in the group of lawmakers returned via the functional polls and by 14 to 13 in the group returned via the Election Committee and geographical polls. 民主党主席李柱铭提出的议案在分组投票时,遭功能组别以二十二票对五票否决,并同时遭地区直选及选举委员会组别以十四对十三票否决。
Democratic Party members walked out of Legco in protest at the retention of a ointed seats in the district councils. 民主党不满区议会保留委任制愤然拉队离场抗议。
Democratic Party members walked out of Legco in protest at the retention of appointed seats in the district councils. 民主党不满区议会保留委任制愤然拉队离场抗议。
Democratic Party of Montenegrin Socialists (DPMS) (Demokratska Partija Socijalista): Name changed form League of Communists of Montenegro in 1991; Chair.-Momir Bulatovic; Gen.Sec.-Svetozar Marovic. 黑山社会主义者民主党:1991年由黑山共盟改称现名;主席-莫米尔·布拉托维奇;总书记-斯维托扎尔·马罗维奇。
Democratic Progressive Party members are seen protesting outside the Taipei District Court July 31, 2007. 民进党党员七月三十一日在台北地方法院外进行抗议活动。
Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Chen Shui-bian recently proposed his white paper, and there are three guarantees which are concerned about national defense, the current rights of servicemen, and the use of incumbent officers. 民进党总统参选人陈水扁最近提出他的白皮书,内有对国防、现任公务人员的权力、和雇用现任官员的三大保证。
Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Frank Hsieh's photo is displayed during an election rally held by the DPP in Taipei July 12, 2007. 七月十二日于民进党造势活动中工作人员高举民进党总统候选人谢长廷的照片。

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