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And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.

And the coercion can be psychological as well as physical. 而且强制可以是肉体上的,也可以是心理上的。
And the collection plates still rattle. 捐献盘的铛铛声不绝于耳。
And the color is as bright as the neon lights flaping late at night. 简洁的款式、多变的色彩,给作品所展现的童装带来无限的活力!
And the commander took him by the hand and, withdrawing privately, inquired, What is it that you have to report to me? 19千夫长就拉着他的手走到一旁,私下查问说,你有什么事要告诉我?
And the commandment of Esther confirmed these matters of Purim; and it was written in the book. 32以斯帖的命令确立了普珥日的这些事;这命令也记录在书上。
And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. 10那本来叫人活的诫命,反倒叫我死。
And the commission will take place of the League's Advisory Committee in this field. 在同一个月还将召开麻醉药品委员会会议,该委员会将接替国联与此有关的顾问委员会的职能。
And the community social insurance should be an organic working system, which not only can match with the whole social insurance system and make it materialize and extend to the basic level, but also can develop its function of mutual helping and self-ins 研究表明,社区社会保障体系应当是一个既能与整体社会保障制度框架相配套,将社会保障制度向下延伸和具体化,又可以发挥社区互助互济、自我保障功能的有机运转体系。
And the company now owns such customary instruments as Electronic Tachometer, Concrete Cover Meter, Digital Concrete Test Hammer, Coating Thickness Gauge, Thoedolite, Electronic Level, Camera and so on. 公司现有全站仪、钢筋混凝土保护层测试仪、数显混凝土回弹仪、涂层测试仪以及经纬仪、电子水准仪、照相机、摄像机等常规设备。
And the company says it will suspend its payment of quarterly dividends and try to speed up the introduction of new models. 而福特还表示,将暂缓公司的季度分红,并尽快推出新车型。
And the company sets up pump room, water tower,adopting deep water pump, tank to provide water safeguard for producing and living. 并建有泵房、水塔,采用深水泵、储水池相结合的方式,为生产和生活用水提供了保障。

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