Proected oil circuit,catch oils:to solve the problems of oil leakage and dripping oil,make the kitchen more clean and tidy.
出风口的防回烟技术,油烟不会回流,防止厨房二次油烟污染有保障。 |
Proembryo A young plant after fertilization but before differentiation into embryo and suspensor tissue.
原胚:从受精卵分裂形成2细胞胚开始至胚芽和胚柄等器官分化之前的胚。 |
Proestrus: The female attracts males, has a bloody vaginal discharge and her vulva is swollen. Proestrus lasts approximately nine days; the female, however, will not allow coitus at this time.
发情前期:母犬开始引诱公犬,阴道有血渗出,阴户涨大。发情前期约持续九天,不过,这段时间,母犬并不与公犬交配。 |
Prof . Smith give a crisp speech yesterday.
昨天,史密斯教授作了一个简明扼要的讲话。 |
Prof Collins says: “We are building a resource to help improve health and that includes collaborating with academia and commercial researchers.
柯林斯教授表示:“我们正在建设一个有助于改善健康的资源,其中包括与学术和商业研究人员合作。 |
Prof Collins stresses that altruism alone motivates participants.
柯林斯教授强调,参与者的动力来自他们的无私奉献。 |
Prof Harker says what differentiates Wharton's teaching from other schools is that it is not tied to a single pedagogy.
哈克教授指出,华顿的教学和其他学校不同的地方在于,华顿不拘泥于单一的教学方法。 |
Prof Howell said: Researchers who want to investigate stammered speech really have a daunting task.
豪厄尔教授说:“对有意于此的研究者们来说,研究口吃的确是一项令人望而生畏的任务。” |
Prof Luo Xianglin, a foremost authority on genealogy, lamented that China's cultural accumulation over several millennia was reduced substantially to ruins in a few months of unmitigated madness.
系谱学权威罗香林教授语带悲伤地说,中国几千年所累积的文化遗产,就在那丧心病狂的几个月中毁于一旦。 |
Prof Shenton believes these perceptions are broadly untrue, but nonetheless it is one that is often repeated in corporate circles.
申顿教授认为,这些看法基本上是错误的,但尽管如此,企业界经常反复提出这些看法。 |
Prof Smith gives a good account of an out-and-out coward.
史密斯教授对彻头彻尾的胆小鬼做了极精彩的描述。 |