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Give without expectation,and give with gratitude.

Give us today our daily bread. 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。
Give us your opion on this issue. 详情请参阅6月12日出版的21世纪报第12版.
Give utterance to it in the contact with Jesus Christ and fervent prayer to Him; He will in very deed accept of the feeble trembling faith that clings to Him and will not let Him go. 当你与基督交通并迫切的向他祷告时,把信心表达出来,他就会实在的接受这又软弱又战兢,却持定他不让他走的信心。
Give way to cars that come from the left. 给左边开过来的汽车让路。
Give wings to Moab, That she may fly and go away; And her cities will become a waste, Without inhabitant in them. 9要将翅膀给摩押,使她可以飞去;她的城邑必至荒凉,无人居住。
Give without expectation,and give with gratitude. 真正的布施,除了无欲无求,还要有感恩的心。
Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech. 23你们当侧耳听我的声音,留心听我的言语。
Give you some color to see see. 给你点颜色看看。
Give you some colour see see. 给你点颜色看看。
Give you time to learn deferred taxes, marketable security accounting, leases, etc. 给你时间去学习递延税务会计、有价证券会计、租赁会计等。
Give you* **ce,you don’t sport! 给你脸,你不会运用!

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