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The defining feature is the gley horizon below the humus-blue-grey clay whowe color is due to ferrous iron compounds that have been reduced by microorganisms, flecked with localized areas of rust-colored oxidized ferric compounds.

The deficit has been diminishing little by little. 赤字已经渐渐地在减少当中。
The deficit not only increases the risk of a fall in the dollar and a rise in US interest rates but also exacerbates protectionist pressures within the US Congress. 逆差不仅加大了美元下跌和美国利率上升的风险,而且还加剧了美国国会内部的贸易保护主义压力。
The define() function defines a constant. 函数的作用是:定义一个常量。
The defined expense for land arrangement includes compensation for removal of land ameliorants or tombs, subsidy for power and mechanic equipments or removal of population, subsidy for operating loss, reward for removal on one′s initiative, compensation f 所定土地整理费用,包括土地改良物或坟墓拆迁补偿费、动力及机械设备或人口搬迁补助费、营业损失补助费、自动拆迁奖励金、加成补偿金、地籍整理费、救济金及办理土地整理必要之业务费。
The defining and ongoing innovations of this age – biotechnology, the computer, the Internet – give us a chance we've never had before to end extreme poverty and end death from preventable disease. 这个时代无时无刻不在涌现出新的革新——生物技术,计算机,互联网——它们给了我们一个从未有过的机会,去终结那些极端的贫穷和非恶性疾病的死亡。
The defining feature is the gley horizon below the humus-blue-grey clay whowe color is due to ferrous iron compounds that have been reduced by microorganisms, flecked with localized areas of rust-colored oxidized ferric compounds. 潜育土的一个重要特点是位于土壤腐殖质层之下,其土层呈灰蓝色是由于含有被微生物还原的亚铁离子,而且常有部分铁被氧化生成红棕色的锈斑。
The defining feature of a stem cell is self-renewal. 干细胞的特征就是自我再生能力。
The definition and petrogenesis of Fei-ts'ui are reviewed. 摘要对翡翠的结构及其成因进行了评述。
The definition and theory of compound matrices and their applications in solving relevant algebraic problems are presented. 摘要介绍了有关复合阵的定义、定理及复合阵在解有关代数问题方面的应用。
The definition of Coagu-flocculation process on the view of microcosmic and its physical model are not only proved, but also are propitious to the further study of Coagu-flocculation mechanism. 对混凝过程亚微观角度上的定义及其物理模型的提出,不但得到了试验证明,而且更有利于今后我们对混凝机理进行更详尽的研究。
The definition of EEE in the Regulations extends only to those products that are dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields to work properly, meaning that it is the primary power source. 条例中关于EEE的定义仅仅扩展到依靠电流或电磁场才能正常工作的产品,这里是指作为主要的能源。

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