Later in his life , James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshire, England.
在赫里奥特的晚年,他把在英国约克郡当乡村兽医时的经验写了许多。 |
Later in life Hari achieved a wonderful synthesis of the ideals of the Personal God and the Impersonal Truth.
哈里在随后的生活中达到了令人惊讶的成就,把人格神的完美与非人格的真理完美地结合起来。 |
Later in life they sit in parks carrying on mysterious conversations with themselves.
这个“队”没有固定的形式,常常是在不便的地方出现。 |
Later in life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he humorously said, When you sit with a nice girl for two hours , you think it´s only a minute.
爱因斯坦晚年时,有人请他解释一下他的相对论,他对一群年轻学生幽默他说:你和一位漂亮姑娘坐上两小时,你觉得不到一分钟;但是你在热炉子上坐上一分钟,你觉得坐了两小时,这就是相对论。 |
Later in life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he humorously said, When you sit with a nice girl for two hours , you think it′s only a minute.
爱因斯坦晚年时,有人请他解释一下他的相对论,他对一群年轻学生幽默他说:你和一位漂亮姑娘坐上两小时,你觉得不到一分钟;但是你在热炉子上坐上一分钟,你觉得坐了两小时,这就是相对论。 |
Later in that chapter it states that they go up the marble staircase to get to the Hospital Wing (CS13).
在这一章的不久后,有这样的陈述,他们上了大理石的台阶,去了医院。 |
Later in the day, the world anti-doping agency recomended suspension for 2 more women lifters for doping violation.
世界反兴奋剂机构还建议对另外两名服用禁药的女子举重实施禁赛处罚。 |
Later in the month, it emerged that the Producer Price Index had risen 2.8% year-on-year, or by the most since 1998.
月内,生产物价指数录得2.8%的按年升幅,为自1998年以来的最大升幅。 |
Later in the night, all three were taken ill, and a doctor was hastily summoned.
到了晚上,这三个人都病倒了,很快的医生被叫了过来。 |
Later in the week that Navy group, carrying 24 helicopters is to move to the eastern coast of Sri Lanka.
本星期晚些时候,这个载着24架直升机的美国舰队将向斯里兰卡东海岸进发。 |
Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase.
上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯尼亚人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。 |