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She has eight XG medals, seven of them gold.

She has done herself up for the party. 她已打扮好了, 准备去参加宴会。
She has done well in school, for the most part. 大致来说,她在学校的表现很好。
She has dropped out in the middle of the race. 她中途退出比赛。
She has dual nationality. 她有双重国籍。
She has eaten both of the chops. 她将两块肉都吃了。
She has eight XG medals, seven of them gold. 她曾获得八枚极限运动会奖牌,其中七枚是金牌。
She has embraced “shuttle diplomacy” in Israel-Palestine, signalled her willingness to talk to Syria and Iran, and has even been polite about the United Nations. 她支持在以巴间实行“穿梭外交”,这表明她愿意同叙利亚和伊朗举行会谈;她甚至对联合国言辞礼貌。
She has enough talent as a player to be a world-beater. 她很有天资, 能成为天下无敌的选手.
She has explored rivers in Amazonia, the Andes, the Himalayas and the Sultanate of Oman to identify the influence of these sedimentary environments on local vegetation. 她探勘过河流的地区,包括亚马逊河流域、安地斯山、喜马拉雅山、西亚的阿曼王国等地,为的是要了解当地沉积物生成环境对植物群的影响。
She has expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur (with her) (in this matter). 她对计划表示反对,(在这一问题上)我完全同意(她的意见).
She has felt blue since her boy friend left for Europe. 自从她男友去欧洲以后,她一直感到闷闷不乐。

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