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According to the structural model, positiveness of consumer prior expectations of the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation and perceived persuasiveness of evidences communicated by the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation are

According to the stipulations of English syllabus, through the training for hearing,speaking,reading and writing, ability of making students get English rudimentary knowledge and use English for communication tentatively, excite students' study interest, 根据英语教学大纲规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。
According to the story, the Italian monarch King and queen were touring the area. 根据史书记载,意大利国王与王后到访埃斯波西托所居住的地区。
According to the stress spectrum of weaking section in fatigue test and S-N Curve of classic welding joint in this section, we establish a model of life calculating by the principle of fatigue damage equivalence, then we get the relationship between the c 根据疲劳薄弱部位在室内疲劳试验中的应力谱及该部位典型接头的S-N曲线,按照疲劳损伤等效原则建立交叉支撑装置的寿命预测模型,得到了交叉支撑装置实际运用寿命与室内疲劳试验加载循环次数的关系。
According to the strict rules of Hindu iconography, Ganesha figures with only two hands are taboo. 依照印度教肖像学的严格规则,甘尼萨只有二臂的外形是被禁止的。
According to the structural dynamic behaviors under different site conditions and seismic waves with different platforms, the relationships between the structural response and site predominant period, as well as platform of seismic wave were built up, by 通过对场地卓越周期及地震波平台段持时的研究,建立结构动力响应与场地卓越周期及地震波平台段持时之间的关系,明确了何种条件下的荷载为结构最不利外荷载。
According to the structural model, positiveness of consumer prior expectations of the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation and perceived persuasiveness of evidences communicated by the sponsoring brand regarding its altruism orientation are 根据此实证结构模型显示,消费者对赞助品牌利他倒像先前期望之正向性,与赞助品牌所传播关于其利他导向证据被知觉之说服力,乃是被知觉之赞助者诚意此一终极内衍变项之并列外衍变向;消费者对赞助品牌之赞助行为之三个因果归因构面以及对赞助者动机之内在本质归因,分别为第一序与第二序之中介内衍变项。
According to the structure and physiological properties of human respiratory system, a micro-robot system based on earthworm creeping motion principle is designed to move freely in trachea and two main bronchia. 摘要根据人体呼吸系统的结构及生理特性,基于蠕动运动原理设计了适于人体气管及左右主支气管内自由移动的微机器人系统。
According to the structure of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC code, we can make a trade-off between hardware complexity and decoding throughput by applying semi-parallel architecture. 摘要利用准循环LDPC码的结构特点,使用半并行结构的译码器可以实现复杂度和译码速率的有效折中。
According to the study of biomarker of the northern Ordos basin, the hydrocarbon resource rocks cane from mixed-source of organics of the input of altitude plant and plankton, and they were fanned in freshwater-tiny salt, deep lake and reductive surroundi 在鄂尔多斯北部地区的研究表明,该区烃源岩母质来源于高等植物与浮游生物共输入的混源有机质,其形成于淡水~微咸水深湖相还原环境中。
According to the study of the mineral evolving, origin analysis etc. , it is considered that the source of minerals etc mainly comes from the pyritization sources of the submarine volcano eruption. 认为含矿岩系的物源主要来自海底火山喷发作用形成的黄铁矿化矿源层。
According to the study of unrepairable product residue mean life, based on the mathematical description of the residue mean life and the basic knowledge of reliability and mathematical statistics, a method is deduced to assess the confidence lower limit f 通过对不可修复产品平均剩余寿命的研究,基于产品平均剩余寿命的数学描述,利用可靠性及数理统计的基础知识,逐级推演,提出了适用于各种寿命分布类型的产品平均剩余寿命置信下限的一种评估方法,并结合工程实例进行了分析。

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