Added to this, through his sin he established within himself that evil power termed deceitful lusts(Ephesians 4:22), which has been passed on to all his descendants.
不只这些,由于他的罪,“私欲的诱惑”这一雅恶力量也降临到他所有的后裔。 |
Added two cams changing device,can easily switch between one step two points and three steps four points only pulling the changing spanner.At the same time,with automatic compensatory mechanism, can make the cams long life.
采用双凸轮切换装置,只须扳动切换扳手就可以实现,在一台机器上进行二点和四点两种线迹的切换,使凸轮的使用寿命延长,更加经久耐用。 |
Added value for the customer shall be a key determinant in all Company decisions.
让客户满意将是公司所有决策的主要决定因素。 |
Added “Game Object Properties Appendix”.
加入“游戏道具附录”。 |
Addenda of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I. leaning some important changes in it and comparing with the relevant provisions in China Standard.
对ASME规范第I卷2006年增补作简要介绍,对其中重要的修改进行学习,并与我国标准中的相应条文进行比较。 |
Addicted to insatiable lusts, the demoniac, irrational due to arrogance, vanity and conceit, out of illusion endeavor for impermanent things engaging in impure acts by premeditated vows.
沉溺于贪得无厌的性欲之中,邪恶的人,由于傲慢而不理智,空虚而狂妄,出于幻想,极力追求短暂的利益,通过预谋的誓约而从事不洁的行为。 |
Addiction to drugs has impaired his health.
沉溺于毒品已经损害了他的健康。 |
Addictive New Online Adversarial Mode: Join forces with up to eight friends via LAN or four via Internet in either cooperative or adversarial gameplay modes.
令人上瘾的全新在线对抗模式:最多和8名好友通过局域网或4名好友通过互联网进行对抗或合作游戏。 |
Adding Powers to a Psionic Character's Repertoire: Psions and psychic warriors gain powers and power points each time they achieve new experience levels; they never gain powers any other way.
将异能加入灵能人物的异能列表:心灵术士和心灵武士每次升级时都会获得异能和灵能点,他们无法通过其他途径获得异能。 |
Adding a guy to the team would hurt the chemistry a little which is a gamble.
增加任何一个人到这支球队里将会有一点冒险的损害现在的化学反应. |
Adding a library function to do this will save the scriptwriter time, and improve the maintainability of the scripts.
添加一个库函数来做这些事情将会节省脚本编写者的时间,并且能改进脚本的可维护性。 |