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The bubonic plague swept off most of the villagers.

The brush that transfers toner particles to charged areas of a photoconductor in dry toner systems and some magnetographic printing systems. 中义在乾式色粉系统中和一些磁性印刷系统中,刷子将带电粒子转到感光的带电区域。
The brush work of Ukraine, as well as other arts there, bears remote and profound traditions and unfolds more individuation in the characteristics day by day. 乌克兰绘画如同其它文学艺术一样,具有悠久与深厚的传统,并日益呈现出个性化的特点。
The bryophyte life forms there can be grouped into 6 types which are errantia, epipetria, epiphytia, hydro-radicantia, meso-radicantia and dry-radicantia types, out of which the species bf meso-radicantia account for 89.81% of the total species in this va 其中,中生根着型种类最多,占该流域苔藓植物种数的89.81%,主要分布于森林带;其次为旱生根着型,占该流域苔藓植物种数的11.57%;漂浮型种类最少,只占该流域苔藓植物种数的1.38%,且分布范围十分有限。
The bubble diameter increases with air flow rate, air pressure, orifice diameter and the solution depth, and decreases with the orifices number and liquid viscosity. 在静态水模拟实验条件下获得了液体表面气泡直径预测模型。
The bubbles keep the heat in well and provide much more light than a 8)brick buil ding ever could. 这些球体的储热功能良好,而且提供的光线比砖造建筑多更多。
The bubonic plague swept off most of the villagers. 那场淋巴腺鼠疫夺去了大部分村民的生命。
The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land; nor, even in the full career of his reckless life, was he regarded as a personage with whom it was disreputable to traffic, or cas 那些在风口浪尖上谋生的海盗们,只要心甘情愿,可以洗手不干,立刻成为岸上的一名正直诚实的君子;面即使在他们任意胡为的生涯中,人们也并不把他们视为不屑一颐或与之稍打交道就有损自己名声的人。
The buck does funny things when the does are present. 母鹿出现的时候,公鹿开始做有趣的动作。
The buckaroos did more than just play cards to entertain themselves; they also ate plenty of good food and tossed around a Frisbee. 不过这些牛仔的工作不是只有打牌自娱而已,他们还必须吃很多美味的食物,以及愉快的玩飞盘呢。
The buckle wavelength of MWCN can be correctly predicted with the present result. 结果很好地解释了多壁碳纳米管的屈曲波长与经典预言偏差很大的现象。
The bucolic county of Devon—largely farmland, woods, moor, and shore—has long served the British as an antidote to city life. 充满田园风光的德文郡以其众多的农田、森林、沼泽以及湖滨成为不列颠人长期以来从城市生活中放松下来的去处。

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