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Avg table size relative to the avg diameter, reported to the nearest whole percentage point (1%).
平均数表大小相对的平均数,直径就近报告整个百分点(1%). |
Avian H5N1 flu virus becomes more widespread among bird flocks in Asia, and has caused 34 human cases, with 23 deaths.
禽类H5N1流感病毒在亚洲鸟群中传播更加广泛,并且导致34人患病,其中23人死亡。 |
Avian flu has killed or forced the slaughter of millions of birds over the last two years.
禽流感在过去两年来已导致数百万家禽被宰杀。 |
Avian flu is probably here to stay, experts are warning Europe's governments.
专家警告欧洲各国政府:禽流感很可能会留下来。 |
Avian flu viruses have demonstrated an ability to evolve to easily infect humans by exchanging genes with human viruses that subsequently permit them to recognise human receptor molecules and gain easy access to cells, typically in the human respiratory s
禽流感病毒可通过与人类基因交换进化,进而能够识别人类细胞受体,获得进入细胞通道,尤其是人类呼吸通道,最终呈现易感染人的能力。 |
Avian influenza is an infectious disease of birds occurring worldwide and was first identified in Italy more than 100 years ago.
禽流感是目前在全世界发生的鸟类传染病,100多年前首次在意大利发现。 |
Avian influenza virus H7N3 confirmed in two poultry workers in British Columbia who developed flu-like symptoms.
英国哥伦比亚两名出现流感样症状的家禽工人被证实感染H7N3禽流感病毒。 |
Aviation Mea and Instant Series Food: Thousand-island dressing, French dressing, delicious salad juice, balsamic vinegar, fruit, sweetened red bean cream with lotus seeds And lily bulbs, braised white fungus with pear, braised pumpkin with sugar and sweet
航空配餐及快餐调理系列食品:千岛汁、法汁、美味沙拉汁、意大利香醋汁;汇水果、莲子百合红豆沙、雪梨炖银耳、桂花冰糖炖金瓜;凉面汁、甜蒜汁、甜辣椒酱、番茄辣椒酱、番茄沙司、麻辣香醋汁、老醋凉拌汁、辣椒酱;南瓜布丁粉、杏仁豆腐粉、红茶果冻粉;固体冰红茶、奶茶。 |