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She spends much of her leisure time watching TV.

She spends hours in her rehearsal room playing Schubert sonatas and Chopin nocturnes. 她有很长时间都在排演室里度过,弹奏着舒伯特的奏鸣曲和肖邦的小夜曲。
She spends hours making up in front of the mirror. (She uses cosmetics. 她一连几个小时坐在镜子前化妆。
She spends hours painting her face. 她一化妆就是几个小时.
She spends more and more time alone in her room. 她独自呆在房间里的时间越来越多了。
She spends most of her time building castles in Spain. 她把大部分时间都用来想入非非了。
She spends much of her leisure time watching TV. 她花了多少空闲时间看电视。
She spends only a fraction of her earnings. 她只花了所赚的钱的一小部分。
She spends too much money on luxuries. 她花太多钱买奢侈品。
She spends too much time (in) dressing herself. 她用太多的时间装扮自己。
She spent 20 years studying the history of London. She knows it inside out. 她学了20年的伦敦历史。对此,她已经了解的十分彻底了。
She spent 30 minutes fixing her hair. 她花了三十分钟整理她的头发.

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