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That time we used to be happy.

That thought is likely to discourage them from buying even more dollars. 这种想法可能阻止他们购买更多的美元。
That thousand dollar prize money should really come in handy. 那1000美元奖金会十分有用的。
That threatens the old bargain, in which over-qualified graduates tolerated low salaries in exchange for interesting work, and a lifestyle abroad of colonial ease. 这就可能出现那种古老交易的危险,即那些高资历者忍受较低的薪水,以换取他们自己感兴趣的工作以及殖民地的某种安逸的海外生活方式。
That tie goes with your shirt. 那条领带跟你的衬衫很相配。
That time Walter was powerless to protect him. 那时候沃特没有力量保护他。
That time we used to be happy. 那时我们幸福过。
That time we used to be happy. Well, I thought we were. 那是一段幸福,快乐的日子.至少,我这样认为.
That time we used to be happy. Well, I thought we were. But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. 那时我们是幸福的。哦,我是这样认为的。可事实上你早就想离开我,只是不敢告诉我罢了。
That time, I decided that I should relearn my Chinese. 那时,我就下定决心再学好我的汉语。
That time, Yuan Rang had lazily stuck out his two legs and looked like a live dustpan waiting for some trash as he squatted by the door waiting for Confucius. 那回,原壤就懒散地叉开两条腿,好像承接垃圾的畚箕似的,蹲坐在门口等孔子。
That time,a little people can go abroad . 那时很少人能出国.

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