Studies on Pharmacognosy of Astilbe Rivularis Buch.-Hame.ex D.Don
民族药红升麻的生药学研究 |
Studies on Physio-ecological Characteristics of Turfgrass
草坪草的生理生态特性研究 |
Studies on Physiological Mechanism of Genotypic Difference in Cadmium Accumulation and Tolerance of Barley
大麦镉积累和耐性基因型差异的机理研究 |
Studies on Polycondensation of Aralkyl Ethers and Aromatics by Friedel-Crafts Reaction——(I) Synthesis Structures and Thermal Stability of the Polymers
在Freidel-Crafts型催化剂作用下的芳烷基醚与芳香族化合物缩聚反应的研究——(Ⅰ)聚合物的合成及其结构和热稳定性 |
Studies on Protein and Esterase Isoenzymes of Mayfly Nymphs
蜉蝣稚虫蛋白质和酯酶同工酶的研究 |
Studies on Rapid Extraction of Uricase from Torula utilis Henneb .8
产朊圆酵母(Torula utilis Henn .8)尿酸酶快速提取法的研究 |
Studies on Refinement and Cytotoxicity of Saponins from Luidia quinaria von Martens
砂海星(Luidia quinaria von Martens)皂苷的精制与细胞毒活性研究 |
Studies on Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrolein Over Ce-Ag-Mo-P-O Catalyst
Ce-Ag-Mo-P-O催化剂上丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应研究 |
Studies on Small Dose Irradiation of Silkworm Eggs with Ra-Be Neutron Source, 0Co Gamma-ray
关于用Ra-Be中子源、~(0)Coγ源、~(7)Pmβ源以小剂量辐照桑蚕卵的研究 |
Studies on Spacial Threshold of Soil Loss Torelance in Beijing Catchment of Miyun Reservior
密云水库北京集水区允许土壤流失空间阈值研究 |
Studies on Standardization of ELISA Test for the Detection of Antibody to Sendai Virus in Mice
实验小鼠Sendai病毒抗体ELISA方法标准化的研究 |