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He boxed the boy's ears for being cheeky.

He bounded out of the bed open the door a little peer into the courty yard where there was nobody else. 他赶快跳下床打开一条缝向外一望一院子里冷冷清清一个人影也没有。
He boutht only a valueless thing yesterday. 他昨天买的只是一件没有什么价值的东西。
He bowed his head and spoke, his own voice somehow new and different. “Thank you, mistress. What duty now lies before me? 他再次低头致谢,他发现自己的声音也不知为何变的崭新且不同“太感谢了,我的主人。现在请告诉我,我的任务是什么?”
He bowed to pressures to resign in 1074 with less political power and without imperial carte blanche. 他对压力屈服并于1074年辞官,政治权利更小,没有了尚方宝剑。
He bowled a turkey in the second frame. 他第二回合一连打了三个全倒。
He boxed the boy's ears for being cheeky. 他打了这男孩儿耳光以教训其不懂羞耻.
He braced his foot against the wall and jumped. 他一只脚抵著墙跳.
He brags his athletic records. 他夸口他的运动记录。
He brake his car just in time to avoid an accident. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。
He braved his father's displeasure by marrying that girl. 他不顾父亲不高兴,娶了那个女孩子。
He braved his parents' displeasure by marrying her. 他冒著父母的不满娶她。

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