Q.5 What is the difference between the Lord's view and our views of time?
问题5.主看时间和我们看时间有什么不同? |
Q.5 What is the theme of 1 Peter?
问题5.彼得前书的主题是什么? |
Q.5 What is the theme of the first two chapters on Colossians?
问题5:歌罗西书前两章的主题是什么? |
Q.5 What is the theme of the last two chapters on Colossians?
问题5:歌罗西书后两章的主题是什么? |
Q.5 What is the work of the Lamb of God?
问题5:神的羔羊的功用是什么? |
Q.5 What was Peter's appealing to the elders?
问题5.彼得对长老有什么劝勉? |
Q.5 What will God add to those who adds anything to the prophesy of God?
问题5.在神的预言上添加的人会有什么结局? |
Q.5 Which books in Bible are in the catalog of Pastoral Letters?
问题5.教牧书信包括圣经的哪几卷书? |
Q.5 Which sentence is the key verse in the book of John?
问题5.约翰福音的钥节(点名主题的一节圣经)是哪句? |
Q.5 Who are thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur before Satan?
问题5.在撒旦之前被扔入不死的火湖的是谁? |
Q.5 Who is the first been slain according Bible?
问题5.圣经记载最先被杀死的是谁? |