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Put the boned fish meat and diced preserved turnip into the congee. Bring to the boil. Add seasoning, diced spring onion and shredded head lettuce. Serve.

Put the article to right place. 把东西放到该放的地方去。
Put the bandage around your wounded finger. 在受伤的手指上缠上绷带。
Put the bird i ide its cage. 请把鸟放进笼子里。
Put the bird inside its cage. 请把鸟放进笼子里。
Put the blade in the inner side of the transparent vessel. 将刀片置于透明容器的内侧。
Put the boned fish meat and diced preserved turnip into the congee. Bring to the boil. Add seasoning, diced spring onion and shredded head lettuce. Serve. 将拆好之鱼肉和大头菜粒倒入粥内,待再滚起,即可下调味料、?b粒及生菜丝进食。
Put the book back on the shelf when you've finished it. 书读完后,要放回原处。
Put the book back when you have done with it. 你读完这本书时把它放回原处。
Put the book in its proper place. 放那本书在它适当的位置。
Put the book in the place where it is. (把书放好,即把书放在该放的地方。)
Put the bookmark in the book so that I can know where you left off. 书里面放上书签,我好知道你读到哪儿了。

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