In many Canadian families, children contribute next to nothing to the operation of the household.
在许多加拿大人的家庭,孩子几乎从不参与家务劳动。 |
In many European countries, no ambitious politician would want to be seen with a hunting rifle in his hands and a cuddly[7] animal in his sights.
在许多欧洲国家,没有哪一个胸怀大志的政治家希望别人发现,自己手中拿着一支来福枪,对着视线中某个小生灵。 |
In many U.S. stores the cash register has been replaced by a computer that quickly and easily calculate the cost of items being bought.
在美国很多家大商店里,现金出纳机已被运算所购物品费用快捷、操作容易的电脑所取代。 |
In many Western countries,
在许多西方国家, |
In many Western religious traditions, the period of catastrophic upheaval expected to occur just before the end of the world, when God will come to sit in judgment on humankind.
在许多西方宗教传统中,世界末日前预期会发生巨大灾变,这时上帝将参与对人类的审判. |
In many a morning and eve thy footsteps have been heard and thy messenger has come within my heart and called me in secret.
在许多清晨和傍晚,我曾听见你的足音,你的使者曾秘密地到我心里来召唤。 |
In many applications, water jet machining has some advantages over the laser, plasma and EDM etc., such as less expensive, environmentally friendly and has no heat affected zone (working temperature less than 100°C).
水射流具有介质成本低、清洁、环境友好,而且对被加工材料无热损伤(被切割材料温度小于100℃)等优点,在许多材料的切割加工、表面处理中,水射流具有其独特的优越性。 |
In many areas it is usual for people to leave work and go out for an evening meal at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m., than waiting until later.
在许多地方常有上班族中在下午5点或6点下班后外出就餐,一些餐馆会等着这批客源。 |
In many cancers, dysfunction in a biochemical cascade called the NF-kappa B pathway causes tumor cells to sidestep apoptosis and become dangerously immortal.
在许多肿瘤中,称为NF-κB通路生化级联反应的功能障碍导致肿瘤细胞避开凋亡从而变得危险的、不死的东西。 |
In many cardiac disorders, dyspnea due to a fixed cardiac output and that due to pulmonary congestion occur simultaneously (eg, in mitral stenosis).
在许多心脏疾病中,由固定心排血量引起的呼吸困难常与肺充血引起的呼吸困难同时发生(如二尖瓣狭窄)。 |
In many cars you can down change at the same moment of even just before you hit the brakes.
在很多车型上,你踩下刹车的同时就可以降档了。 |